Success data

RCADS Data Collection

As part of regular practice with any child or teenager expressing symptoms of anxiety or depression I ask them to complete a start and end RCADS review. This will be at the beginning of session 1 and the end of session 6, 8, or 10 depending on the number of initial sessions required. 

Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS)

The RCADS is a collection of self-report and parent-report instruments designed to measure anxiety and depression in youth between the ages of 8 and 18. These instruments are intended to be used by researchers, health care professionals, or other individuals trained in the administration of psychometric instruments.

This website is the only public source of current and supported versions of these instruments, and all individual and organizational users are encouraged to bookmark and return to this site for the latest versions and updates. The RCADS is copyrighted by Bruce F. Chorpita and Susan H. Spence, and it is available free to users under a limited license (see permissions page for more information).

Support for website and resource development for the RCADS has been funded in part by the National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No 75N95022C00018 (Principal Investigator: Bruce F. Chorpita, Ph.D., Program Director: Manuel Sprung, Ph.D.).

Taken from RCADS Website, Home | Child FIRST – Focus on Innovation and Redesign in Systems and Treatment (

As you can see from the below recorded subjects (clients), there is a significant reduction in most cases of Anxiety and Depression. 

Average point reduction per client after 6 sessions is 14. 

The chart below shows patients S1- S12 starting Anxiety score, and their Anxiety score following 6-8 NLP therapy sessions with me either online or at my therapy room in Chandlers Ford, Hampshire.

The chart below shows patients S1- S12 starting Depression score, and their Depression score following 6-8 NLP therapy sessions with me either online or at my therapy room in Chandlers Ford, Hampshire.

The chart below shows patients S1- S12 starting Overall Anxiety and Depression score, and their Overall Anxiety and Depression score following 6-8 NLP therapy sessions with me either online or at my therapy room in Chandlers Ford, Hampshire.