
Summer Activities for children with ADHD

Fun and Free Ways to Entertain Children with ADHD in the UK This Summer Summer holidays are a time for…

2 months ago

Embracing Valentine’s Day: A Journey of Self-Love and Mental Well-Being

Ah, Valentine's Day—a day that can evoke a whirlwind of emotions, especially for those  in the prime of our youth.…

7 months ago

Conquering the New Year Blues: From Blah to Blast Off!

Ah, the New Year. A time for fresh starts, resolutions, and... the inevitable blues that seem to creep in around…

9 months ago

How to Overcome Rejection and Rise Above It

How to Overcome Rejection and Rise Above It Feeling rejected can be a difficult and painful experience. It can make…

11 months ago

Managing teenage anxiety and school refusal

Anxiety in schools is a common problem that affects many children and teenagers, particularly in Hampshire, sometimes resulting in school…

1 year ago

The Impact of Self-Harm on Families

Self-harm is not a choice, people self-harm as a coping mechanism, a way of dealing with difficult emotions and situations.…

2 years ago