Aug 31 2023

Anxiety in schools is a common problem that affects many children and teenagers, particularly in Hampshire, sometimes resulting in school refusal. Anxiety can manifest in a variety of ways, including: Stomachaches Headaches Difficulty sleeping Excessive worry School Refusal Physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, and dizziness Cognitive symptoms[…]

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Mar 11 2023

As parents, we all want our teenagers to succeed in school and beyond. But what happens when they refuse to attend school altogether? It can be a stressful and worrying situation for both parents and teenagers, and it’s important to understand that school refusal is often a symptom[…]

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Feb 16 2023

Stress is like an annoying little brother, always following you around, niggling away at you and getting under your skin. But just like dealing with an annoying little brother, there are ways to manage your stress that don’t involve strangling them (or yourself). Below are my top 5[…]

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Dec 12 2022

Recently media has been focusing on Strep A, Do you know the impact of this on your child’s anxiety? Has your child asked you about Scarlet Fever? (They like this name better as it’s historically a dangerous disease). What understanding do YOU think is going on within your[…]

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